Lesson 3: Courage
Outdoor game (15 minutes): capture the chicken.
Discussion (10 minutes): talk about last sessions' discussion on fairness and stereotype and introduce the theme of courage.
- What is Courage?
- What do you think is the relation between Courage and Stereotype?
- Does it take Courage to go against a Stereotype?
- Can we have justice without courage? Why?
Discussion (10 minutes):
- Does it take courage for Summer to talk to Auggie? Why?
- Have you ever been in a situation where you had to be courageous?
- Have you noticed acts of courage in others around you (friends, family, teachers)?
- What does it take to be courageous?
Skits (10 minutes): Have groups act out what courage is.
Write on your journals your thoughts on why we can’t have justice without courage. Share if there is time. (10 minutes)
Courage – doing the right thing, regardless of what other people do or think or how you may personally benefit from it in the short term.